If the requirements of a project are not well documented, but development needs to commence quickly, it can be operated on a time and materials basis. This benefits customers by not requiring them to use resource to generate extensive documentation and allowing requirements to change during development.
New generation cloud, Blockchain and AI Solutions
Flexible delivery methods are utilized leveraging templates and rapid roll-out methodologies.
New generation approaches are leveraged with complex testing and verification systems applied to validate AI accuracy and consistency.
Legacy systems fixed scope – Fixed budget
For projects that have well defined written requirements, Tano are usually able to provide a fixed-price, fixed-scope quotation. This benefits customers by providing a fixed project budget, lowering their financial risk and shifting time management responsibility to Tano.
Support Services
Support services will typically benefit from a guaranteed response time element, allowing customers to rapidly bring in expertise to solve show-stoppers in time sensitive projects, or ensure maximum equipment availability in production systems. Support maybe ordered on an annual, or ad-hoc basis depending on particular customer requirements.
Global expertise – Local context
Tano uses its diverse range of experts located globally in close collaboration with local resources and competent delivery managers to ensure the global expertise is leveraged on the context of local requirements.
Localisation of delivery ensures first level expertise and support is available to the client on site.
Global expertise ensures client a quicker time-to-value as well as higher ROI.